Dear users and subscribers
as you know, we are always striving to continuously improve the browsing experience and the services we offer. For this reason, we are constantly collecting feedback through our contact section and our YouTube channel, with the aim of offering an increasingly efficient and accessible platform.
Recently, we undertook a major upgrade that required a thorough restructuring of our website. This process meant that we had to temporarily take the platform offline for about ten days. During this period, we have never interrupted relations with our subscribers, guaranteeing them ongoing support and services, but we have temporarily suspended the acquisition of new customers.
Now that the site is back online, we are excited to present you with major updates that will improve your experience:
- Clearer, more direct texts: We have made the language simpler and more accessible to ensure immediate understanding of the content.
- More concise and optimised information: It is now easier to find what you need quickly.
- Dedicated portfolio: We have added a portfolio section to provide a quick overview of our work and the clients we work with.
- New About page: We have merged the previous ‘Why’ and ‘How’ sections into one area that better describes why we do it and how we do it.
- Revamped subscription plans: We now offer flexible solutions both for those starting from scratch who want to learn more about trading theory and practice with us, and for self-taught traders who only want access to exclusive documents and content.
We are confident that these improvements will make your experience even smoother and more enjoyable. Thank you for your patience and continued support. Please continue to follow us and share your feedback, as your contribution is essential to our growth!
Best regards,